About us
Every time you shop with us, your purchase helps the Asylum Seekers Centre provide practical and personal support for people seeking asylum living in our community.
With the Asylum Seekers Centre online shop you don’t just buy a product, you’re helping us be a place of welcome and provide services and support to people seeking asylum.
What do we do?
Connect people to support and services: Our services include accommodation, financial relief, health care, employment assistance, education, food, and recreational activities.
Engage community: The ASC builds and harnesses the goodwill in the community towards people seeking asylum. We create opportunities for people to provide practical support as well as to advocate for political change.
Influence policy and legal change: We draw on the direct daily experience of people seeking asylum to develop and promote campaigns to improve public laws and policies, working with other services to bring about needed change.
Find out more: asylumseekerscentre.org.au
Who do we support?
The ASC currently supports approximately 4,000 people seeking asylum each year including 1,000 children. They come from more than 90 countries and have been forced to flee persecution or human rights violations such as torture, armed conflicts, crises or violence. They fear for their safety due to their ethnicity, religion, sexuality or political opinions.